
Day... aw who really gives a shit?

Hey it's antibatman. I want to die today. Right now would be preferable.

I haven't told the internet this yet, but I suffer from psychotic depression, which is like schizophrenia, but sadder. And I haven't taken my medicine in three days.

I was used to the medicine making everything normal, you know? Now that I'm hearing and seeing stuff again, and I'm too apathetic to run away from it, I really can't deal with it all.

I need my medicine. Its official, I'm dependent on it. But who cares? It keeps me sane. Would you prefer I show up to school with a box cutter and slit my throat in front of a crowd (like I've so often dreamt of doing)? Hugs don't solve anything, drugs do. Don't lecture me, you don't have a physically visible manifestation of your subconscious that follows you around.

Anyway, I really need to remember my medicine in the mornings. And evenings. Otherwise, people might get hurt. And not just me. I'm sorry if this causes anyone to worry about me, but its true.

However, in the event that my psychotic nature gets the best of me, I will try my best to off myself before I hurt anyone.

That is all for today, have a nice night.


Day 1

Ok, so this is the first official post of mine. The rest dont count. Anyway, today was eventful in an odd way. I ended something I never should have started, had my best friend lie to me in a way that only I knew he was lying, and my teacher practically smothered us all in homework.

Lets go back to the beginning.

Today, I broke up with a girl I shouldn't have gone out with in the first place. See, there was some other stuff going on at the time and I really shouldn't have let my other friends set me up like that. It's really not my fault. But I digress. You see, I was going to go to the prom with said girl. Luckily we split up before I rented a tux or she bought a dress. I still really care about her, but in a friendly way, not a relationship way. I can't afford to have a relationship right now because I'm moving.

That's right. Moving.

Anyway, it's over with now, we're still good friends, and no one got hurt. I'm proud of all that. But moving along, My best friend lied to me in a really obvious way today, but he thinks he was telling the truth.

Some odd circumstances set him up for that one. It's mainly about me moving, so I won't bore you with the details. Basically, he thinks something is true but it's not. I'll correct him eventually.

And finally, my teacher smothering the class with homework. I have to write an essay on a book by Ayn Rand, and believe me, I love the book, I just don't want to write a 9-paragraph essay on it. How am I supposed to anyway? They barely had a single page on my topic, why men in the society didn't live to be 45. How do I turn that into 9 solid paragraphs? Gah.

I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow, but I aim to not do anything. As if they'll let me.

And We're Back!

Hey guys, Antibatman here with a new update! Cue the confetti!

Anyway, I've been taking a good look at my life lately and figured I should keep a journal. And what's more personal and intimate than the internet?

So anyway, I'm going to be posting every day now to rant about my day, complain how things are going, maybe even brag a little. All in all, this is sort of an experiment for me.

I hope everything goes ok with this.