
Day... aw who really gives a shit?

Hey it's antibatman. I want to die today. Right now would be preferable.

I haven't told the internet this yet, but I suffer from psychotic depression, which is like schizophrenia, but sadder. And I haven't taken my medicine in three days.

I was used to the medicine making everything normal, you know? Now that I'm hearing and seeing stuff again, and I'm too apathetic to run away from it, I really can't deal with it all.

I need my medicine. Its official, I'm dependent on it. But who cares? It keeps me sane. Would you prefer I show up to school with a box cutter and slit my throat in front of a crowd (like I've so often dreamt of doing)? Hugs don't solve anything, drugs do. Don't lecture me, you don't have a physically visible manifestation of your subconscious that follows you around.

Anyway, I really need to remember my medicine in the mornings. And evenings. Otherwise, people might get hurt. And not just me. I'm sorry if this causes anyone to worry about me, but its true.

However, in the event that my psychotic nature gets the best of me, I will try my best to off myself before I hurt anyone.

That is all for today, have a nice night.


  1. Aw Jacob. I feel your pain. To an extent. I'm dependent on my Asthma med's. It's a completely different scenario I know but still. Don't feel depressed. I'm always and forever will be. You're friendly neighborhood rapist.

  2. I note a certain irony in you making a grammatical error. It would be "Your," not "You're."
