
It's a bit soon, but...

I'm going to be taking a break from blogging for a while. It's not you, Internet, its me.

I'm sorry, but if you will wait for me, I just have to paint my house and I swear that everything will be how it was before.

Please don't cry.


My Second Post!

Now, you might be wondering why I'm so excited about a second post, considering there's no way I'll be able to top my first one.

Well, the answer is that, frankly, I am a lazy son of a bitch and the fact that I woke up at 1 in the afternoon to do this is incredible. See, regularly, I'd be sleeping in a lot longer because I was up until 8 am this morning watching The Shawshank Redemption. Which is apparently a great movie I had never seen.

Now, apparently everyone else on earth (or at least in my country) has seen the movie, so I won't discuss the details. It suffices to say that I won't forget the movie.

It did, however, make me want to create a film of my own. I've been looking through Indy Mogul's website since then ( http://www.indymogul.com/ ) and it's really helped me get my ideas together with some special effects in mind. The guys on Indy Mogul are really great at what they do and if you want to make a film, I suggest checking them out.

Well, when I get my film done, I'll post it on here first. So if anyone reads this blog, they can mock my horrible acting skills.


My first post!

Hey, this is antibatman.

I don't know why that's my screen name either. Came up with it a few years ago, might've been on something, I don't know.

Anyway, I'm gonna be blogging on pretty much whatever I happen to be thinking about, whether it's about how I see the world or bragging about the funny looks people give me when I fire my lazer in public.


^Me firin mah lazer.

Anyway, thats really an old photo now. I should get a new one.

I'm one of those people that fires their lazer regularly still and hasn't moved on to saying "It's over 9000!!!"... (Yeah Dalton, looking at you)

Although I will regularly say something along the lines of "Up the butt, Charizard!" or another strange and disturbing internet reference. For instance, I'm a big fan of the "Rejected Cartoons" video.

But I digress.

I'm going to try and post as regularly as possible, but my schedule won't always allow it. I have things to do, like stare at the ceiling for hours wondering why I haven't gotten out of bed yet. Important stuff.

Anyway, it's gonna be interesting doing this, and I hope it's as fun to read as it is to write.