
My first post!

Hey, this is antibatman.

I don't know why that's my screen name either. Came up with it a few years ago, might've been on something, I don't know.

Anyway, I'm gonna be blogging on pretty much whatever I happen to be thinking about, whether it's about how I see the world or bragging about the funny looks people give me when I fire my lazer in public.


^Me firin mah lazer.

Anyway, thats really an old photo now. I should get a new one.

I'm one of those people that fires their lazer regularly still and hasn't moved on to saying "It's over 9000!!!"... (Yeah Dalton, looking at you)

Although I will regularly say something along the lines of "Up the butt, Charizard!" or another strange and disturbing internet reference. For instance, I'm a big fan of the "Rejected Cartoons" video.

But I digress.

I'm going to try and post as regularly as possible, but my schedule won't always allow it. I have things to do, like stare at the ceiling for hours wondering why I haven't gotten out of bed yet. Important stuff.

Anyway, it's gonna be interesting doing this, and I hope it's as fun to read as it is to write.


  1. You should never show your face on here. Keep it nostalgic and what not.

  2. what are you talking about? That is exactly what I look like.

  3. Hahaha Jacob. Follow my blog. I'll make you an over 9000 picture if you do.

  4. Already following it.

    ... wow, this is turning into a chat, now isn't it?

  5. It sure is. Great way to rack up the comments. Makes your blog that much more interesting. Or less mundane. Ha! I contradict you Jacob!

  6. Bahahaha! Success! I own this blog!

  7. You may own it, but I pwn it.

    Just like I pwn you in Halo 3. Burn.

  8. Failing at Halo 3 is succeeding in life. Losing your blog to someone else makes you fail at life. My logic wins.

  9. what logic?

    BTW, I can block you. Not that I would, but still.

    You can't block me from my own blog, so I still own it.

  10. Touche. At least you have more comments than me! Sadly they are all from just 2 people. Go comment on my Pitiable Coho Blog. It's so fucking funny.

  11. Done.

    If anyone else actually bothers to read this thing at any point, check out Reldnahcnotlad's blog.

    It will make you shoot lasers out of your nose.

  12. YAY! I love this last comment. Makes me seem that much more exciting.

  13. If you want people to comment on your blog (I'm looking at you Dalton) it helps if you REPLY!!!! Like anti-batman is here... to you.

    Or you can just ignore your commenters and they won't bother trying again. :P

  14. Thank you, Fiery.

    See, Dalton, I can do something right! jk
